Yvette’s Ultimate Guide To a Healthier YOU!

Healthy Living has two important elements and these are exercises and diets. Living a healthy life is simply about making healthier choices.

If you need to know the secret to fitness success and how a healthy lifestyle can be attained and some tricks on how you can get that amazing body you have always craved for, then you are at the right place. Here, I will be sharing my personal fitness journey, fitness advice. I will also be sharing with you some trending topics in fitness, and short workouts that you can quickly carry out before your busy day in the morning.

On the flip side is your diet and I will be sharing tips and advice on nutrition, guide you about portion sizes, body type, how you can effectively count calories, how to choose the right food and supplement.

Celebrating a fitness lifestyle and celebrating Kathleen

A perfect match. Eight years ago Kathleen came to me because she wanted to commit to a fit lifestyle. She'd been active in the past always attending spinning classes, and having a trainer come to our house and also running. But she needed a change and now at the age...

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"Just" and "buts"are killing your diet

So I was having an eye-opening coaching session with a client this week and I just came up with an amazing saying and I'm going to let you know what it is right now.. drumroll please ..just and buts. Let me further explain, when we really got into the fact that she...

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10 take aways from Eric Thomas Talk

Last month I left you all with the fact that I was going to be spending a day with Eric Thomas. If you don't know who Eric Thomas is I suggest you follow him on YouTube Twitter or wherever you hang out online. This guy is so passionate about changing your life…...

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Carb Cycling 101

A lot of people have been asking me as of late to help them understand the basics of carb cycling. Now before I get into it .. I want to tell you this is not something I do This takes a lot and I mean a lot of work ... from prepping and weighing .. for my lifestyle it...

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Six Strategies for Weight Loss

So you're looking to lose weight for good… but you've tried everything and you have the knowledge ....you know you should cut your calories and exercise more but it's just not working ...UGH ????let me give you some specific advice to permanently peel away those...

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