Yvette’s Ultimate Guide To a Healthier YOU!

Healthy Living has two important elements and these are exercises and diets. Living a healthy life is simply about making healthier choices.

If you need to know the secret to fitness success and how a healthy lifestyle can be attained and some tricks on how you can get that amazing body you have always craved for, then you are at the right place. Here, I will be sharing my personal fitness journey, fitness advice. I will also be sharing with you some trending topics in fitness, and short workouts that you can quickly carry out before your busy day in the morning.

On the flip side is your diet and I will be sharing tips and advice on nutrition, guide you about portion sizes, body type, how you can effectively count calories, how to choose the right food and supplement.

Getting started with fitness

Getting started with fitness

The hardest part of getting fit involves taking the first step. While most people think exercising is hard and getting a routine together is difficult, the simple reality is that neither of these things are true. Working out doesn’t have to be tough, boring or...

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​Yvette whats the best diet?

​Yvette whats the best diet?

Can we end dieting for good…please? Because starving yourself on a low-fat diet and exercising until your body falls apart is a stupid approach to weight loss. Your body is a genius. If you starve yourself, your body will respond. And it will produce the opposite...

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Coconut Almond Oatmeal Banana Cookie Recipe

Coconut Almond Oatmeal Banana Cookie Recipe

Here is a delicious recipe to try. Why? Because coconuts is full of iron, which helps our body avoid fatigue. Then you add in the yummy carbs that come from the oatmeal, then the protein from the almond and oatmeal and lastly the fiber from the banana. This cookie is...

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How can I lose my love handles?

Ok So I am going to be 100 with you all... getting rid of love handles is no easy feat but it can be done .... Just so we are being totally honest... I am a 48 year old woman ... who has been exercising my entire life and I have love handles.!!!! Its true!!!!! Sure I...

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Common mistakes women make while trying to lose weight  

If you're try to lose weight and burn fat, there’s a good chance you are making one or two (or more) mistakes along the way. I see it time and time again and yet, few women ever actually crack the weight loss code. It really doesn’t need to be as complicated as it...

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