If you’re try to lose weight and burn fat, there’s a good chance you are making one or two (or more) mistakes along the way. I see it time and time again and yet, few women ever actually crack the weight loss code. It really doesn’t need to be as complicated as it seems. By learning what these mistakes are, you can quickly put them behind you and get on track to seeing better results. I figured now is as good a time as any to send this out. Remember if you’re on a weight loss mission you want to continue to read these articles and keep pumping all this info into your brain. It just keeps the goal front and center.

Starvation Diets

If 1400 calories is good, 1000 must be better, right? Wrong. Wrong Wrong… OMG this is the most common one I see…. Trust me… You will end up screwing your body up big time!!!! Your body needs fuel to burn fat properly. As strange as it may sound, if you cut your calories back too far, your body will just cling onto what fat it does have, making further fat loss feel impossible. You want to use a moderate calorie deficit, this will ensure that your metabolism stays revved and you keep burning fat.

Failing To Plan Ahead

Another big mistake many women make is failing to plan ahead. They think about their next meal about an hour before that meal takes place. Often, this is because they’re busy and just don’t have time to do all that cooking. If you want to see results, however, you need to plan ahead. The trick is using a weight loss program that doesn’t call for overly complex meals that mean you spend hours each day in the kitchen. No woman can handle that — you have a life to lead. But, with a diet plan that makes planning ahead simple, you will stand a much better chance of sticking with your menu. You should never wonder ‘what to eat’ when hunger hits or you’ll be tempted to eat something you shouldn’t.

Overdoing Cardio Training

If there’s one thing that most women have in common, it’s hours spent on cardio machines. While some smart cardio training (such as sprint training or HIIT training ) can be beneficial for fat loss, you really don’t need to chain  yourself to the treadmill, bike, or the elliptical. In fact, doing so can do more harm than good. Instead, what you need is a basic weight training program that focuses on making you stronger. Every time I go to the gym…I see it… all the overweight women are on the cardio machine for hours and all the fit women are lifting weights.This is just the facts…If you want to lose weight lift weights… hmm that kinda rhymes… he he!

Overcomplicating The Process

Finally, the last big mistake that many women make is overcomplicating their program. They find a diet plan that has a million rules and regulations that they must follow and then wonder why they aren’t sticking with it and it’s not working. Simplicity is best. With a few smart guidelines that you can easily implement into your life, you can be on track to seeing superior results. Fat loss isn’t rocket science. It all boils down to fueling your body with the right food choices and amount of energy to encourage the release of energy from body fat cells. My top three habits would be to track (be it macros, points calories) exercise and eat whole foods. Simple.. but not so easy  get it.. The key is to start with one. Maybe you start tracking steps, drink more water, switch out a muffin for fresh fruit. Just start with one simple habit and you will be on the  right path. So keep these mistakes in mind. If you see yourself making any of them, make a few changes and get yourself on track to seeing better results in the future. As you know I am always just a txt email or call away. Have a great week Yvette