This is a good one Actions speak LOUDER than words And as the title of this blog post says SO DOES THE SCALE (and yes I know that’s yelling) This might sting a little but it’s the absolute truth! You ARE what you eat! Period!
No fluff… That’s the truth my friend So the scale isn’t really a liar Actually the scale doesn’t have an opinion and neither should you when it comes to the scale. It’s just feedback …and me telling you that might even piss you off and if it does… GOOD!
Because that means you actually care And I like that about you 😉 See the scale is like your bank account If you only have a few bucks you’re broke There’s no dodging it, denying sure, but the reality of your situation is you’re broke
Notice I said situation NOT problem(s) So if you’re broke in your fitness meaning you aren’t exercising enough (or at all) and you’re eating like crap …. Which as you all know is 80% of the equation then RESULT will be you know what Plain and simple
The scale will only show you the work you’ve put in And it’s not just the scale
It’s the same with…
- Bodyfat
- Inches
- Muscle Tone
- How your clothes fit
- Fitness Tests

- make deposits
- make them DAILY
- make them often
- make them with intention
- And watch them grow!
- Try on a pair of jeans
- Step on the scale
- Measure your waist
- look in the mirror