It has been a year of many changes. Sadly I lost my husband unexpectedly in January of 2013, my daughter left for her freshman year of college in Virginia and suddenly I was alone. With my world turned upside down I needed something to help me get strong both physically and mentally.
A friend told me about a wonderful personal trainer she had been going to and she looked amazing, but I kept resisting. Finally tired of gaining weight and collecting bigger sizes I decided I needed to do something to help myself. So I began working with Cris, she is the best, she told me I have to change how I think and eat and I need to make exercise a priority in my life. So along with Cris and Weight Watchers in the beginning I began to lose weight, but I still resisted and my weight loss see-sawed up and down. It took me awhile to finally listen to what Cris was saying and to mentally reach a point where I realized in order for me to change I had to follow what she told me.
So I got serious and cut out the junk and began eating the veggies and drinking only water and that is when I really began to see results. I am not going to say it is easy; every day is a choice to either stick to my routine of eating well and going to Cris for my weekly workout. I have to say I complain a lot less now when I go to work out and she sets me straight mentally, not everything is easy but it is how I look at it and what I choose to do about things that make a difference. So at the beginning of my journey I weighed in at 172 and as of now I lost 30 pounds, I am happy to say my clothes are big and baggy and Cris makes fun of my baggy workout clothes, but it is a reminder of how hard I worked and how far I have come.