KeytoweightlossKey to Weight Loss

In order to stay in shape, all year round  it is a lot of work. We must prepare our food for the week, we must pack our food in Tupperware and have it ready to go and we must schedule and plan our workouts. Whew that’s alot of work, but worth it to reach your weight loss goal.

Although all of this can be time consuming, for those of us who do it ….we know that its well worth it. Why? Because it works. Any thing that is hard and consuming is worthwhile if it works and that is why I continue to do it.

Don’t get me wrong, during the holidays or busy summer events can make it very hard!! and have really tested my discipline and choices  but what I try to  to keep in mind  are not only my big goals, but the fact that this lifestyle is a choice. At any moment in time we can choose it or not. We can stop the process of getting in great shape, we can bury our goals and we can sit around the house drinking egg nog and eating cookies. The choice we have made, we were not forced into it.

If you  want to get  in great shape its well worth the work and I promise you if  you are struggling to try and have tried and tried to get this thing… TRY AGAIN!!! I always tell my clients who are struggling..  just get back on that horse. You cant change the past all you can do is do your best today and move forward.

So this month, I just want you to think about the fun things that come your way by the choices you have made to stay committed and dedicated to your plan to reach your weight loss goal!


Please also check out my Yvette Salva Fitness page on facebook for daily posts to help you stay on track.

Do you need even more prep and want a workout schedule with more support from me to reach your goals, then try the YSF3 online gym for 2 weeks FREE and start living that healthy lifestyle and getting that amazing body you have always wanted.