So I absolutely love love love the addition to my business of nutrition coaching. It has seriously been life altering.
Just this week I had the most fabulous experience setting up my client for success. We went over a number of things to set herself up for success and I want to share them with you as it might help you get into a rhythm with your fitness and health journey.
1. Setting up your exercise area:
ok this is huge ladies, if you don’t like looking at yourself in the mirror because it interferes with your workout take out the mirror. I can’t believe how much of an impact this had on my clients success. She now loves going to her basement!
2. Set up a schedule – set up a workout calendar for the month.
We inputted the days I was going to her home to train her and the workouts she was to do on her own. Boom. Right there in front of her face overtime she steps on the treadmill
3. Set up her fit bit and my fitness pal.
For many this can be an overwhelming and daunting task. I know I hate reading directions to ANYTHING. But anything you want to change you must be able to measure. So we need to know how many calories are going in and how many are going out. I mean did you ever see a weight loss show where they didn’t track?
4. Next… shoes..
ok this is huge… my client had no idea that her nike frees were not appropriate for her. This is common if you are not a workout person. Be sure you have the right shoes that support your ankles and have enough cushion for the types of activities you will be performing.
5. Set up a morning routine that would work for you
Listen up ladies if you work and have kids … I ALWAYS recommend having some strong rituals to perform in the morning that will lead you to success. Morning routines are specific to each individual. What works for you in the morning, might not work for me, and vice versa. And truthfully, a morning routine doesn’t need to be some big extravagant ritual. It just needs to set YOUR day up for success.
My morning routine has changed over the years. When I was first working in the early morning hours I would just get up and go right to work. I mean seriously my doorbell rang at 5 am every morning for years but now that I have a little one and I opened the studio things are a little different.
Here are some tips of the things I do, but remember this is individual. Take some time to figure out what you need to do in the morning to be successful each day. This usually includes a workout. It also includes checking emails, writing in my journal and it always includes some quiet time for breakfast. I wake up between 4-5 am weekdays so I have the quiet time to take care of me before the kiddies get up. Right now its 5 am as i write this then I will go workout.
Not sure what to include in your morning routine? Here are some of the things I do …
- get in a workout, all you have to do is press play in my online video vault and in less than 30 you are done
- meditate
- Journal… I love this one… I am always just emptying my brain.
- make coffee.. I set up the coffee maker the night before
- enjoy breakfast… ALWAYS!!!
- read a chapter of a book or magazine. that will motivate you for the day.
- write out your to do list .. OMG these are endless
- listen to a podcast.. I do this while getting ready
- take your vitamins.. I have these all in one of those pill boxes all set ups for the week.
Ok guys I hope these tips were helpful and honestly if you can change your habits you can change your life. It starts with one habit at a time.