So on the last Thursday’s thought a lot of you shared with me some big goals that are coming up… I’ve heard everything from losing 30 pounds …changing jobs… finding a job …starting to exercise …cleaning up the diet …starting to weight train…even heard going to become a personal trainer … All of these emails truly are amazing!!!!!
For myself… I realize that in times of change there are many uncertainties and I can be scary and that’s usually what holds me back personally from execution… Change is scary no doubt!
But that’s also life right? Black and white… Darkness light… Sun and rain… That’s actually the beauty of life and everything with the same every day we would not appreciate the wins!
Just in the past 10 years I think back and I can’t believe the transitions in my own personal life… two of the biggest changes were adopting a baby opening up my own business…
But what a lot of people don’t know… Is that it took me 12 years of teaching at six different clubs to be able to have the following to open up a business… And it took me six years of paperwork and lawyers and home inspections to finally adopt Stephen… There was a lot of ups and downs but point is I stayed connected to my vision.
These are obvious extreme changes… But I feel now September is a time of change… It’s a time of transition… Kids going to school… Kids leaving the house for college… The weather is changing… And I do believe it’s a time where we can reconnect with our personal goals and vision…
Along with those emails last week I received a lot of questions about can you please give me tips on how to eat better… Exercise… Weight train… And what I want to tell all of you is I could tell you all… right now ….25 things to do right now that will get you healthier and 25 things to stop doing… But the bottom line it’s not a lack of knowledge… It’s a lack of discipline! It’s always a lack of discipline that takes us away from achieving what we want… Go on Google there are 25,000 diets and all of them work …..if you execute…
Go on YouTube and they’ll be millions of workouts to do with no equipment whatsoever and they all work…
Bottom line is when it comes to change we have to be intentional about our actions so ask yourself this…
What five things do I want to accomplish in the last quarter of the year?
What action steps do I need to take right now… To schedule it?
What’s going to make it different this time… Do I need an accountability partner? Do I need to hire a coach? Do I need to join a group?
No once you’ve answered those questions… I want you to get those actions on a calendar as scheduled!
I saw this quote and I posted on my Facebook page
Think of your workouts… Or fill in the blank…
As important meetings you scheduled with yourself
Bosses don’t cancel
Let’s get it done
I’d love to hear what your top three for the last quarter of the year or feel free to email me