When you are on the page to search for classes Click here, you can choose to create a account or sign into account once you are all set up.
2. When you click create a account just fill in form and follow the on screen directions to confirm your email and then you will be able to head over to your logged in page which will show all the classes you have currently signed up for and you can also cancel class if you need to as well. Remember only have up to 24 hours before class to cancel.
3. In the future if you want a quicker way to get into your account, on yvettesalvafitness.com click the my account on top of page and there will be a link that will direct you to the log in page for punchpass.
If you have any questions or concerns while setting up your account you can reach out to my tech girl at jodi.hautala@gmail.com she will make sure you can access all your classes.