Exercise Has Been a Positive Impact on My Life
First, I would like to thank Yvette for giving me the opportunity of being client of the month. She has been a wonderful friend and mentor to me over the years. My story is not only about weight loss but also about how exercise has had such a positive impact on my life. I was always a lucky kid never really worried about weight and ate whatever I wanted however, that changed once I became an adult. I started to gain weight once I was in college (the freshmen 15) and then I went away to school and that made eating healthier much more difficult. I thought by eating pasta and vegetables every night that I was making a good choice. I learned after getting on the scale and the pounds creeped up that something wasn’t right but I was only 22 years and knew little about fitness.
My friends and I would walk on the boardwalk and I thought this is a good step. Then I started graduate school and the demands of a full workload, working and stress made me become more of an emotional eater. I would snack as I sat on the computer researching and typing at night. In Feb 2000 I went to the gynecologist and was diagnosed with Moderate Cervical Dysplasia. The Dr told me that if these cells were not remove that in 10 years I would have cervical cancer. I was devastated because I knew I wanted a family. I decided to have a more invasive procedure done to decrease my risk of having fertility issues. I started to evaluate my life and the stress I was under and knew I needed an outlet to release my stress. I joined an all women’s gym and loved going. I would go to the gym 3 days a week consistently. I started to lose the weight and was so proud of my accomplishments. I always lifted the same weight and did the same exercises. I never went out of the box. There was little instruction given at that gym.
I moved to NJ and with the demands of 2 little ones I worked out in my basement. I would put on my workout DVD’s or lift dumbbells as my kids played in their exersaucer or pack and play. My husband joined the gym and I decided I wanted to go back. After dropping my kids off in daycare which broke my heart I went to an exercise class. Well that is where I met Yvette. I remember walking into the class and feeling so intimidated even though I had worked out all these years. After we had done 1 side of leg work outs all I could say was “wow I wish I only had 1 leg because my right side was done”. I couldn’t imagine doing the left side. Lol I kept going to her classes and I got stronger. I was less winded after doing a cardio workout. I started becoming more toned and even saw definition in my arms. I was proud because here I was a working mom and I thought I couldn’t change my body after kids and 2 C-sections but I did. Then my life changed drastically after the birth of my 3rd child my husband was diagnosed with an auto immune disorder. He was unable to work and became addicted to pain medication. I started working days and nights to support our family but I never gave up on my exercise. I always make time for me whether it is at home w 3 kids or going to the gym for an hour. I will wake up @ 6 am and go down my basement and do Yvette’s 10 in 10 workouts 3x a week. I pick a body part and do 3 sets and 10 minutes of abs that’s 40 minutes and Im done. I usually have a curious 2 year old with me and now she tells me “mommy I exercise too”. She does a pretty good squat now. lol I also would go to Pilates Reformer with Paula weekly. Having 3 C-sections has put a toll on my lower back and abs but Pilates really helps strengthen the core.
Being a mom, wife and starting a new business limits the amount of time I have but the one thing have learned is there is an exercise out there for everyone. I have come out of the box and will try anything at least once. The 10 in 10 exercises are a great way to workout when your so limited for time. You get a workout and you can do it in your pajamas. Exercising is not only good for your physical well being but also mental state.
I talk to mom’s all the time in my profession and they say how do you do it. I say you have to want to do it and stop feeling guilty that you deserve your time too.
[dropshadowbox align=”none” effect=”lifted-both” width=”100%” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ]Enter your contenYVETTE SAID, “Thank you Michelle for sharing your story. I am in awe of you… your strength and perseverance throughout this year is truly unbelievable. You never give up! Thank you for coming to my home over the years. I am so blessed to have you in my life…as is your partner in crime, Kathleen!t here.”[/dropshadowbox]