As most of you know I pretty much eat sleep and breathe fitness… So attending a four day fitness convention with 15,000 other fitness professionals is pretty much a dream come true for me… not to mention that I love going solo and having some alone time. This year’s IDEA world convention was held in Vegas …and let me tell you this was quite a different experience than my previous conventions. Don’t get me wrong ….I had the most amazing time but it was definitely strange seeing people smoke pot at the pool. Did you know that pot is legal in Vegas? I didn’t!!! What was also weird was seeing thousands of people in Lululemon pants walking through a casino filled with people drinking .. smoking and gambling …very strange !!! But the convention itself was amazing… The IDEA world is basically the Super Bowl of fitness and it draws thousand fitness professionals from around the globe to catch a glimpse of the newest technology …trends and education in the fitness industry. You basically attend classes… Sample workouts… Attend lectures… And try all different kinds of protein shakes. The exhibit hall is amazing… One section is completely devoted to fitness competitions… Like who can compete in the highest box jump umm NO I did not try that .. two risers is my max on that one or who could flip over a tire the most in 60 seconds… Another section is completely dedicated to nutrition where you can sample everything from protein shakes to nutrition bars… Another section is devoted to music activewear and beauty… (this is my fave section..oh my god they had everything from the waist cincher… to hair extensions and of course amazing clothes The last section is devoted to fitness equipment Technology. I really tried to get out of my box this year and sampled a ton of new workouts… Acro yoga is very cool… Basically it’s like a sheet hung onto monkey bars and you do all these cool things being wrapped in a sheet… Let me tell you you feel like some kind of Cirque du Soleil trapeze artist very fun but not completely sold on the safety of it. but I fell in love with POUND …imagine you’re the star drummer in a rock band ..then throw in low squats core movements and some dance moves it was a total blast!!! As far as new equipment the real rider indoor cycling bikes were very cool these bikes way like an actual mountain bikes to give you a killer core workout… these bikes actually sway side to side very cool. I also attended some very cool personal development courses such as Darren Hardy’s principles to success… If you haven’t heard about Darren Hardy he has an amazing book that I actually change my life… It’s called the compound effect and I would recommend it to anybody who’s looking to make some major changes in their life !!! Also Todd Durkin’s how to be WOW everyday for your clients ! This is the stuff that I really love… Because we all know in order to change our lives we have to change our minds!!! Got to get your mind right. But honestly the best part of the whole convention was just spending time making new friends. I really tried to get out of my box and make new connections and honestly that experience was life-changing! If any of you are interested in attending next year it’s going to be held in California June 27th- July 1st 2018. I recommend this for anybody who’s a fitness enthusiast and remember you don’t have to be an instructor or a gym owner to attend you can just go for the fun of it. Chris and Shannon have definitely told me they’re coming next year so I’m excited for that as well. Next year I will be attending with my daughter so I’m really super excited! If Any of you plan on attending next year let me know this way we can be sure to hook up.