One of the most common questions I get asked is how did you initially change your body?
Initially as most of you who know me it all started with teaching aerobics in the 80’s, but what most of you don’t know is how I got into weight training which is the only thing that can really change your body.
I mean yeah sure you can get lean with cardio, but you are never going to sculpt a physique. So one day it just hit me… wow all this working out and I don’t look any different than someone who doesn’t work out.
Now… not sure about you, but if I am going to work out I want to look good! So when I was about 24 years old my body went through a dramatic transformation. I lost 10 pounds of fat and gained 10 pounds of muscle. wow same weight but different body. It all happened when my boyfriend at the time Jim gave me this book called “Body for Life”. Now Jim had always lifted weights and was a fire fighter to boot so he really knew what he was doing. So from that moment on I lived and breathed that book. He always used to tell me get off that damn stair master, but I never listened. After reading this book boy did I listen. I got so excited seeing all the transformation before and after pics …..I WAS READY.
So this is what I did:
- I prepared my food journal
- I wrote out my meal plans
- I followed the workout templates
- I went to GNC and picked up every supplement recommended
- I wrote down my meals
- I wrote down my workouts
- I tracked my supplements