Question From Client: “Yvette what do you think of packaged meals? I try to buy the “healthy” frozen dinners to stay on my diet. Is this okay?”
The big question here is are frozen dinners healthy, and the quick answer is no, try to avoid processed foods. The longer answer isn’t so quick. When you go to the grocery store you walk down the frozen food isle, you will see the word “healthy” thrown around a lot on many of the packages, but take it from me don’t fall for it, take a closer look at the ingredients. The front of the package is all for show, half the time when you warm up the food it doesn’t even look as good as the picture, so why would the word healthy be the truth either, instead go right to back of the package, to the ingredients.
I love going to the grocery store and reading ingredients of food. It really makes you think before you put it in your cart, remember it takes a lot of added additives that are not good for you to give it the taste that we all like. Have you ever noticed sometimes after eating a frozen meal you feel tired or sluggish? Thats because of those additives there are a lot of ingredients added that slow down your body.
Weight Watchers and Healthy Choice Frozen Dinners Healthy or Not

Healthy Cereal The Box Can’t Lie or Can it?
Have you ever looked at a box of Kellogg’s cereal, I noticed Kellogg’s makes a cereal called Smart Start Strong Heart. It claims to be full of Antioxidants. Now if I see this and just respond to what the manufacturers are hoping you will respond to, then I’m sold. At the bottom of the box it tells me that is artificially flavored. Hmmm. That really screams “Smart” to me. NOT! Then on the ingredient list near the top is “strawberry flavored crunch lets” that are flavored with sugar and corn syrup. OUCH!!!!! I’m not so sure I want to be eating crunch-lets, anyways. A better choice would be to get plain shredded wheat with an ingredient list of, let’s see, “100% whole wheat”. Better choice! Then to make it sweeter, add some fresh fruit on the top. Bingo. I could go on and on with examples I’ve seen in the stores, but for this post I am going to tell you one basic thing when looking at foods to purchase – If the ingredient list is long and has additives, preservatives, then avoid! Eat food that is more natural and unprocessed to fuel your body better. It will pay off in how you feel daily and will help your body to run “cleaner”Share with me any other diet or exercise questions you may have and Ill answer it on the blog or on my Youtube channel.