Almost three years I never could’ve pictured myself in the shape that I am in now. I always considered myself to be relatively fit considering I participated in cheerleading and gymnastics, but I never kept up with it to maintain that body image I’ve always wanted for myself. I’ve always ate what I wanted and enjoyed my sweet tooth, and was fortunate enough to never put on weight. The only downfall to that lifestyle was that I wasn’t feeling all that good about myself.
At that point, I knew I needed to change and start exercising again. I started working out every day, feeling great about myself with bursts of energy, and I also got the satisfaction of fulfilling that sweet tooth without feeling crumby about it. For a while I thought it was great to be able to eat what I want and exercise, but then I realized I wasn’t seeing the results I was spending hours in the gym working so hard for. I knew it was my diet that needed to change and my sweet tooth had to go, but I just needed motivation, courage, and someone to help guide me through the process because I knew I couldn’t do it alone.
That’s when I turned to training with Cris about 1 year ago at Yvette Salva Fitness. Cris has been my support system throughout my fitness journey and has truly taught me everything I know now from dieting, to how to get through my workouts when I feel like giving up, to modifying exercises when needed. I could not have made it to where I am today without Cris pushing me to my limits each and every day. My fitness lifestyle will always be a journey and I can’t wait to see what progression is in store for me down the road.