398Carol’s Weight Loss Story “Hi, my name is Carole, I’m 60 years old, married with four grown sons and one beautiful grandson. I never really took time out for myself and it wasn’t until I met Yvette that I realized how unfortunate that was. I never had a weight problem. My body was always loose, lacked toning and firmness. I tried over and over throughout my life to exercise and because of lower back pain and arthritis I could never succeed. I always had too much pain and would give up. I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis 2 years ago. Through a friend of mine I met Yvette. I started exercising with her 2 times a week – it’s been about 7 months now. When I have pain, Yvette knows exactly how to change my routine so I can accomplish my work out without pain. I am thrilled when I look back at my reflection and see the transformation in my body. I see the definition in my arms and I walk around with this big smile on my face. I go 2 times a week for a half hour each time. I can’t wait for my days to come. Not only do I look better, I feel more confident, I’m stronger, happier and healthier. Meeting Yvette is comparable to winning the lottery – EVEN BETTER – you can’t put a price tag on your wellbeing and health. My only regret is not starting many years earlier.” Thank you Carol for sharing your weight loss journey.. you are a proven fact that it does not matter when you start.. just start!!!!! and you will begin to feel better. Thank you so much for your  drive, and commitment! I know that you are going to look beautiful in BOTH your sons wedding this year.. Show off those guns baby.. you worked hard for them. Message me on Facebook if you to are ready to win the lottery!