Completely stuck in your goals? Like cement bricks tied around your ankles? I mean it’s like walking through quicksand or something? I’ve been there! There’s no worse feeling.
I have been there….. trying to get my eating under control …..I’ve been there trying to get my drinking under control….. I’ve been there trying to get my house organized trust me I’ve been there
Honestly what is always help me in the past is having someone to be accountable to….. I hired a business coach to be accountable for my business goals… I hired A life coach to help me get my personal goals in order and when I was trying to quit drinking I got a sponsor who helped me stay accountable to not drinking one day at a time!! I share this with you because I get it I know where you’re at.
Sometimes we lack knowledge, but most of the time we just need to act
We’re either lazy as hell
scared to death!
Scared to….
- Start something new
- Invest more effort
- Or possibly giving something up
All can be scary….
Either way
And seems like you’re going So how do you get from nowhere to somewhere? Not by researching ….not by contemplating but by taking action!
The 2 Ways To Immediate Results for health and fitness
1) Accountability
Doing the workouts and eating clean
2) Association
Being accountable to a personal trainer or a group of peers and getting the tools and support
So my friend here’s the deal
If you’re ready to take action and do something right now right this very second that’s going to lead you closer to your goals and get you out of this rut!
Do one of my 10 and 10 videos
click here to find other 10 in 10 videos along with over 200 other workouts to try
They only 10 minutes everybody’s has 10 minutes to spare
You can always feel free to reach out and set up a free personal training session with myself or one of my trainers at
732-251-0300 we would love to help
Make sure to sign up for our mailing list to get your free 7 day jump start workout and diet plan.
Let’s do this!’