Yvette’s Ultimate Guide To a Healthier YOU!

Healthy Living has two important elements and these are exercises and diets. Living a healthy life is simply about making healthier choices.

If you need to know the secret to fitness success and how a healthy lifestyle can be attained and some tricks on how you can get that amazing body you have always craved for, then you are at the right place. Here, I will be sharing my personal fitness journey, fitness advice. I will also be sharing with you some trending topics in fitness, and short workouts that you can quickly carry out before your busy day in the morning.

On the flip side is your diet and I will be sharing tips and advice on nutrition, guide you about portion sizes, body type, how you can effectively count calories, how to choose the right food and supplement.

5 Tips To Hit Your Goals For 2022 🎯

When I speak to most women… And they tell me about their fitness goals… Or their weight loss goals usually I hear something like this"Well I’ve gained about 25 pounds these last two years during Covid… I would like to lose some weight and get toned."......"I really...

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Say No To Procrastination

So today I decided I am going to kill it... meaning my legs.. I Kid you not.. there are leg workouts and then there are leg workouts.. for this one I had to seriously dial into my psyche to finish.Not sure why that was.. I guess some days are like that.. and here is...

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Random Thoughts To Motivate You

 So on the last Thursday’s thought a lot of you shared with me some big goals that are coming up… I’ve heard everything from losing 30 pounds ...changing jobs... finding a job ...starting to exercise ...cleaning up the diet ...starting to weight train...even heard...

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staying the same sucks

So thats it plain and simple... For me personally staying the same sucks. Why ?????because it takes absolutely no effort.. therefore guess what no growth. Worst case scenario you roll the dice  and you get average.... so why settle for average... shoot for the stars...

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Release the brakes

Release the  brakes already! Yup this is exactly what I said to my client the other day and it stuck. She actually said those words were the most impactful she had heard in a while. See sometimes when we hear things it kinda goes in one ear and out the other and then...

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Grateful for cancer??

Grateful for cancer??

Life is waiting for you, what are you waiting for? WOW ... read that one more time.... Its funny... I was talking to a client this week... who said to me... I am grateful I had cancer.... I was like really how??? Her exact words... Cancer made me live again.. wow.....

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Things we need to stop saying to ourselves

Things we need to stop saying to ourselves

Hey guys... This is going to be a short one.. I was going to write about chasing 2 rabbits... The visual right? well.. if you can visualize that you might see how that doesn't work... I was also wanting to write about my heart break over the Demi lovato.. but this is...

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