Hi Everyone! With April beginning, many of us who don’t live in warmer climate states year round are realizing that it is almost time to permanently switch our wardrobe to short sleeves, shorts and fun dresses. Did a little panic just set in reading that? Lol No worries…I got it covered. This month we will focus on getting great definition and fat loss. We will do this through high intensity AMRAP workouts, and a clean diet. To get maximum benefits from this you must be diligent in all areas (and I am not ‘April fooling’…ha). ARE YOU READY?
What is an AMRAP?
An AMRAP is an acronym for as many rounds as possible. My AMRAP WORKOUTS range from 15-30 mins …and they are all high intensity workouts If you are only working out for 20 minutes you better believe every Second has to count! All these workouts can be done at home w minimal equipment ( kettle-bell, mat, dumbells l, jump rope and or a chair or hi step) So let’s get to it!’ Workout with these videos 5-6 days a week and keep your calories on check and watch transformation happen Jump start your transformation this weekend starting today with this 5 day workout plan