Yvette’s top 4 reasons to have Workout Discipline: You will be honest with yourself without beating yourself up – When you’re thinking about skipping out on your workout, not pushing very hard to complete the whole set of pushups. Use discipline to motivate yourself to go further, don’t belittle yourself or completely take something away because you didn’t work hard enough. Your aim is to do better not set up for failure. If you skip a workout, it is about self-honesty, have determination not to do it again, get back up and push hard to succeed. Evaluate yourself and move forward even if you took 3 steps back there are hundreds of steps still available in front of you to take. Stay Positive To Reach Goals – Set Goals that you can achieve, set them both small and large. Set smaller day, week and month goals. Discipline will only work if you are nurturing positivity through all your accomplishments. Negativity will only bring on more negativity. Positivity makes us as humans feel better about ourselves as well as feel better about what we have achieved thus motivating us to achieve more. Patient to Reach Your Goals– Sometimes we become obsessed with our discipline expect our goals to be meant quicker than possible and we become impatient. We get in a hurry and try to do to much and soon find ourselves overloaded and unmotivated to do anymore. Working out like crazy for 2 weeks straight without proper rest will only lead to our bodies being burned out and we find ourselves giving up becoming unfocused. Fitness and healthy living is not about a onetime fix it is about long term balance of both healthy eating and exercise. If you can’t do it consistently don’t do it at all. Consistency Not a One and Done – I know many of you have heard me say it time and time again consistency is the key and it is also the key to workout discipline. You need to get into a routine, schedule for your workouts. Use whatever it is that will keep you dedicated to your plan, a calendar, app, a post it, a friend calling you to tell you how important it is to workout. Set the time and stick to it. Sometimes I know we treat working out like it’s a chore but you will feel better once you get started and the way you feel after is what pays off so stay consistent. Did you find this article helpful? Feel free to share it with your friends and family by using the buttons on side of post or below.